Solar power plant with molten salt at 550°C
We were contacted by a research centre for the development of the Archimede project, specifically for the construction of a pilot plant: a molten salt solar power plant, to be built in Massa Martana (PG).
The complexity of the project was that never before had molten salt solar power plants been built with temperatures up to 550°C. The study was meticulous and led to numerous variations not only in the choice of the type of cable to be used but also in the accessories to be supplied and the methods of installation.
Once the design was defined, we supplied pre-packaged and factory-finished heating circuits, extruded in-line with the power cable, all accessories, installation instructions and detailed engineering.
The pilot plant was a success and was followed by other molten salt solar power plants in Italy and around the world, including the one in Priolo Gargallo.